Monday, May 5, 2014

Blog #10 Chemical Project Reflection

           In general, I have never really thought about how chemicals play a part in our lives everyday, also how they are in pretty much everything. They may be concealed but they can still be dangerous and we may not know it. I use to underestimate the power of science and chemicals, that was until I was reading about methyl bromide and realized that without its phaseout it would of been extremely detrimental to our environment. Especially now that emissions is increasing and the fight for the perfect fruits and goods is really prevalent.

         I learned that methyl bromide is moderately toxic and for the environment it is extremely dangerous and it would of pushed global warming up a little bit. I also that when it is taken in at high concentrations that it is really dangerous and can cause cancer (type D carcinogen). It can also reproductive effects. I don't have the choice of what my mother buys to use but I try to persuade her to go with the one with the least amount of terrible sounding ingredients. The unscented ones usually have less and also the cheaper ones seem to be the most pungent and have a lot of chemicals. I will continue to try and push towards better for the environment chemicals, ones that won't cause problems and make me shocked when I Google them.

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